

BRITTANY DOWDEN Archaeologist Underwater, Surfer and activist for the preservation of underwater archaeological sites on 8 km of coastline in Brazil and 300,000 km of river sites in Brazilian territory, she carries out educational work in environmental reserves in the city of Rio de Janeiro with professional surfers and immigrants who went to the Brazil fleeing the advance of the European and American extreme right. He is a character who chooses not to come into conflict with the political system of privatizing Brazilian beaches and the action of treasure hunters who destroy underwater sites and with the corruption and leniency of national and international public and private policies that operate in Brazil in the year 2035. Brittany chooses to form local partnerships with surfers at Macumba beach in Rio de Janeiro, where she lives and takes care of refugees. She is an observer who cares about exposing the gap between identity and otherness. The images and art of the character's sc...



Style Carlos Eduardo Thompson


With My Wife Katja ( Karen ) Переполненный, сказочный❤️🙌

With My Wife Katja ( Karen ) Переполненный, сказочный ❤️ 🙌  

Скъпи мои приятели, обръщам се към тези от вас, които обичат да хапват пържоли... а и го правите! Разтърсена съм от любопитство, каква е причината да декларирате симпатиите си към тази снимка? Ако ви харесва естетиката (окървавени, унизени,умъртвени хора, проснати на площад, донякъде мога да ви разбера... (самата аз си представям със задоволство много от хората , които познавам и не познавам в тази ситуация) НО, тази фотография няма стойност без социалния си контекст и послание, затова, моля ви, обяснете на моя терзаещ се ум причината... Carlos Eduardo Thompson | Paris

Скъпи мои приятели, обръщам се към тези от вас, които обичат да хапват пържоли... а и го правите! Разтърсена съм от любопитство, каква е причината да декларирате симпатиите си към тази снимка? Ако ви харесва естетиката (окървавени, унизени,умъртвени хора, проснати на площад, донякъде мога да ви разбера... (самата аз си представям със задоволство много от хората , които познавам и не познавам в тази ситуация) НО, тази фотография няма стойност без социалния си контекст и послание, затова, моля ви, обяснете на моя терзаещ се ум причината... Carlos Eduardo Thompson | Paris  

A meditative walking practice in an urban archaeological environment With two steps forward and one step back, we will walk a distance of one kilometer in a meditative state. This kind of movement—two steps forward, one step back—produces an oscillatory wave-like dynamic aimed at a positive outcome (both literally and metaphorically). Oscillation refers to the repetitive back-and-forth motion of something between two positions or states. Besides the physical definition of the term, this movement can also be applied to the mental process of fluctuating between ideas, opinions, or views that may crystallize in the process of walking. Carlos Eduardo Thompson

  A meditative walking practice in an urban archaeological environment With two steps forward and one step back, we will walk a distance of one kilometer in a meditative state. This kind of movement—two steps forward, one step back—produces an oscillatory wave-like dynamic aimed at a positive outcome (both literally and metaphorically). Oscillation refers to the repetitive back-and-forth motion of something between two positions or states. Besides the physical definition of the term, this movement can also be applied to the mental process of fluctuating between ideas, opinions, or views that may crystallize in the process of walking. Carlos Eduardo Thompson | Paris

no place. to be | research Practices for Altered States | Carlos Eduardo Thompson | Paris

no place. to be | research Practices for Altered States | Carlos Eduardo Thompson