BRITTANY DOWDEN Archaeologist Underwater, Surfer and activist for the preservation of underwater archaeological sites on 8 km of coastline in Brazil and 300,000 km of river sites in Brazilian territory, she carries out educational work in environmental reserves in the city of Rio de Janeiro with professional surfers and immigrants who went to the Brazil fleeing the advance of the European and American extreme right. He is a character who chooses not to come into conflict with the political system of privatizing Brazilian beaches and the action of treasure hunters who destroy underwater sites and with the corruption and leniency of national and international public and private policies that operate in Brazil in the year 2035. Brittany chooses to form local partnerships with surfers at Macumba beach in Rio de Janeiro, where she lives and takes care of refugees. She is an observer who cares about exposing the gap between identity and otherness. The images and art of the character's sc...
CLOSE-UP NO QUADRIL DE KATHLEEN MOSTRANDO A HORA EM SEU CARTIER COM SAIA DIOR. KATHLEEN MCGRAW, CONTINUA O DIÁLOGO. A sensação de não assinar não me impede de dizer ao meu povo que os amo. E eu amo também, quem eles e eu fazemos ou não ha nós mutualmente… Esse equilíbrio é uma de suas heranças. A mitocôndria. 1.20. KATHLEEN COMEÇA A SE DESPIR LENTAMENTE.